Hail Storm Insurance Claim Lawyers

Our San Antonio Hail Storm Claim Lawyers are aware that home insurance companies may be unreasonably denying coverage for property damaged in the severe hail storms that hit San Antonio and nearby areas in the spring of 2016. Property damaged from the hail storms may include homes, businesses, and other property covered under your home’s insurance policy. Many home insurance policies cover hail damage. The denial of a hail claim for such damage may be unjustified. If your home insurance company has denied your hail claim for damage to your home, business or other property in the recent hail storms, contact our Hail Storm Insurance Claim Lawyers at 1-888-724-HAIL (4245). There may be a time limit for you to file your hail claim, so contact us today.


We strongly believe that insurance companies must act fairly and reasonably in handling your hail claim and must provide you compensation for your hail damage. Home insurance companies must act “reasonably” in handling hail claims. When they do not, they are acting in Bad Faith. In certain types of insurance bad faith lawsuits in Texas, showing that the insurance company has acted unreasonably is all that has to be proven. However, in other Texas bad faith cases, a second element must be shown, specifically that the home insurance company either knew that it was acting unreasonably or “recklessly disregarded” that it was acting unreasonably.

Certain types of conduct by the insurance company constitute bad faith. Some examples of bad faith conduct are taking an unreasonable amount of time to acknowledge a hail claim when it is first received. An example of insurance bad faith is failing to acknowledge the hail claim at all. Making misrepresentations during the investigation of a hail claim is bad faith conduct. Bad faith is when the insurance company fails to respond promptly to communications, fails to respond at all or makes unreasonable demands in the hail claim investigation. Insurance companies act in bad faith when they unreasonably deny a hail claim that is covered, unreasonably refuse to offer payment on a hail claim, or they offer an amount to settle your hail claim that is unreasonably low. Insurance companies may be sued for bad faith if they take an unreasonable long time to investigate, value and pay your hail claim. An insurance company can commit bad faith when they force you to file a lawsuit to get a hail claim paid.


If your insurance company is not paying you the full amount of your hail or roof damage claim or has denied your claim, please contact us today 1-888-724-HAIL (4245). We have experience dealing with insurance companies, and we would love to help you get the money you deserve. We offer free initial consultations to help you determine if you have a valid hail claim lawsuit.

Texas Hail Lawyers

Texas Hail Lawyers

If your claim for property damage from a storm has been flatly and unfairly denied, it is not just a “dispute.” You may have a case for insurance bad faith. As Texas Hail Lawyers, we take insurance companies to task for denying valid storm claims.

Texas Hail LaywersContact our office in San Antonio, Texas to discuss your legal remedies, including a possible lawsuit for bad faith denial. If you win your case, you can recover not only the losses but punitive damages. As Texas Hail Lawyers, we handle storm damage claims and litigation on behalf of property owners in San Antonio and statewide.

“Not Storm-Related” And Other Bad Faith Denials

Every policy is a little bit different as to what the insurance does and does not cover. We can help you recover compensation for all applicable losses under your policy, such as:

  • Hail damage (roof repair or replacement)
  • Wind damage (windows, shutters, shingles)
  • Thunderstorm damage (electrical damage or fire)
  • Water intrusion (leaking or flooding)
  • Landscaping (lost trees)
  • Tornado damage (catastrophic loss)

We have heard every reason for denial or partial payment of legitimate claims. The adjuster says that the damage does not merit roof replacement even though every neighbor is getting re-shingled. The insurer says the damage is not storm-related or not covered.

To win damages for bad faith denial, we have to show that the insurance company did not properly investigate your claim, had no legitimate reason to deny it, purposely delayed the claim or systematically denied similar claims.

Denying claims should not be a business practice. Your claim deserves to be evaluated and settled on its merits. Talk to a lawyer about your property insurance claim at 1-888-724-HAIL (4245) or contact us online. We offer a free consultation and handle bad faith lawsuits on a contingency fee basis, meaning you don’t pay us anything unless we win your case.




Hail can cause visible and non-visible damages to your home. Hail falls at different times of the year and can cause severe damage. Roofs, aircraft, automobiles, crops, and other physical property are all vulnerable to hail damage. If your home has been damaged, Texas Hail Damage Claim Attorneys can help.

Texas Hail Damage Claim AttorneysIn the last few years there has been a significant increase in hailstorms, and the damages caused as a result of these storms. One of the most significant hail claims result from roof damage. Most often this damage is identified from marks on your roof.


In many instances, insurance companies will claim only part of the damage was a result of the hail damage versus normal wear and tear, manufacturing defects, and/or other effects. Many insurance companies outright refuse to pay for any storm damage. After a hailstorm, insurers will often attempt to deny, dispute, or delay valid claims for property damage.

Insurers may point to any number of excuses for failing to act in good faith:

  • Arguing that pre-existing damage existed
  • Claiming that poor construction or maintenance of the property contributed to the loss
  • Blaming the damage on manufacturing defects
  • Undervaluing the loss or damage to your residence
  • Insisting that the damage requires minor repairs and not full replacement
  • Refusing to pay for expenses related to repairs
  • Arguing that less than 25% of the roof is damaged, negating a full roof replacement

If you have experienced any of these problems with your insurance company you need a Texas Hail Damage Claim Attorney who can help you stand up to your insurer and get the compensation you deserve on your hail damage claim.

Please contact us today about your Texas Hail Damage Claim. We would love to help you. We only get paid if we get you money.

SA Hailstorm Claims Attorneys

Hailstorms can be caused by severe thunderstorms. It is estimated that a hail stone measuring .40 inches in diameter falls at a rate of 20 mph. Hail stones the size of 3.1 inches in diameter fall at a rate of 110 mph. Hailstorms are one of the quickest forming natural disasters, making them hard to predict and extremely hard to prepare for. When a hailstorm causes damage to your home or business, you turn to your insurance company for help. But sadly, many hail claims are disputed, resulting in your hail claim being underpaid, having your hail claim delayed, or being denied hail coverage altogether. When a home owner is unfairly denied their rightful insurance benefits, they can file a lawsuit to recover losses caused by hailstorms. Let our SA Hailstorm Claims Attorneys handle your bad faith dispute with your home insurance company.


Home insurance policies are designed to protect your home in the event of a destructive event such as a hailstorm. You expect that your homeowner’s insurance company will accept your legitimate hail claim. But unfortunately, many hail claims in San Antonio are currently being denied or settled for less than homeowners deserve. It is common that a home insurance company will only pay to fix an item such as a damaged roof, rather than replace the roof. An insurance company may deny your hail claim for roof damage based on wear and tear, when you believe it is a legitimate hail claim under your insurance policy. Shortly after a destructive event, like the San Antonio hailstorms of the spring of 2016, there is an influx of hail claims. Insurance companies get scared that they are going to run out of cash paying the many thousands of hail claims, so they start to deny legitimate hail claims and commit bad faith. The SA Hailstorm Claims Attorneys will handle your bad faith dispute with your home insurance company.

Insurance companies often dispute a hail claim regarding the amount of property damage that has actually occurred. When this happens, many San Antonio policy holders find themselves in over their heads. Let our SA Hailstorm Claims Attorneys handle your bad faith dispute with your home insurance company. We will deal with the bad faith claims, which is when an insurance company does not operate with good faith and fair dealing. Let us deal with the low ball payments by the insurance companies.

If your insurance company is not paying you the full amount of your hail or roof damage claim or has denied your claim, please contact us today 1-888-724-HAIL (4245). We have experience dealing with insurance companies, and we would love to help you get the money you deserve.

Hail Damage Claim: No Fee Unless We Win

Pursuing a hail damage claim can be a pain. Hail can be an extremely damaging part of a severe storm. A severe hail storm can make the roof, hood and trunk of your car look like a golf ball. Even worse, hail can seriously damage your roof, your windows, your siding and other parts of your home. The cost of repairing and when necessary, replacing your home and property should fall to your insurance company. If you need help with your hail damage claim, contact us today.

Hail Damage Claim

Hail Damage ClaimWhile some insurance companies will pay claims without hesitation, other insurance companies will try to limit their responsibility. For instance, an insurance company may understate the value of the damage and deny the claim. In other situations, the insurer may make a settlement offer that does not come close to the actual value of the damage. If you believe your insurance company is not treating you fairly, an experienced lawyer can make a world of difference.

If you need help with your hail damage claim, please contact us today.  You don’t pay us a fee unless we win.