San Antonio Roof Attorney

In the spring of 2016, there were several catastrophic hail storms that hit San Antonio. Those hail storms damaged the roofs of many San Antonio homes and businesses. Home insurance companies rightfully paid many of those hail claims. However, the insurance companies denied or underpaid many of those hail claims too. If you need a San Antonio Roof Attorney because your hail claim has been denied or you received a low ball offer, contact us today at 1-888-724-HAIL (4245) so we can discuss your legal rights.

Our experienced attorneys have handled many roof cases as a result of the recent hail damage and are knowledgeable with regard to the different tactics that insurance companies employ to deny or under pay your hail claim. Our attorneys will work with roofers, architects, contractors and/or engineers to figure out your specific roof issue, what caused your roof issue and how to repair your roof issue.

Do not let the insurance companies claim that your hail damage was pre-existing or that your roof problems are due to poor construction or roof maintenance. Beware of home insurance companies undervaluing your hail damage or insisting that the hail damage only requires minor repairs and not full roof replacement. Often times, there are Texas laws and ordinances that require home insurance companies to replace your entire roof, rather than just patch or repair your roof.

San Antonio Roof Attorney

Home insurance companies routinely use the same engineers and roofers in hail damage cases. They will often use the same reports that say the same thing time and time again, regardless of your specific roof issues. The insurance companies should not intimidate you just because they have a bogus cookie-cutter report that basically says they are not responsible for your roof’s hail damage. Even if your home insurance company has denied your hail claim and you feel like there is nothing more you can do, we will take your case and inquire into your specific roof issue and advise you of your legal options. The only way that our San Antonio Roof Attorneys get paid is if we win your case. If we determine that you do not have a case, we will promptly advise you of your options and you do not owe us anything.

If your insurance company is not paying you the full amount of your hail or roof damage claim or has denied your claim, please contact us today 1-888-724-HAIL (4245). We have experience dealing with insurance companies, and we would love to help you get the money you deserve.

Texas Hail Damage Claim Attorneys

Hail can cause visible and non-visible damages to your home. Hail can fall at different times of the year and can cause severe damage to your home. Roofs, windows, garage doors, patios, decking, vegetation, trees, driveways and siding, just to name a few, are all vulnerable to hail damage. Get our Texas Hail Damage Claim Attorneys on your side by calling 1-888-724-HAIL (4245).


In the last couple of years there has been a significant increase in hailstorms in the state of Texas, and the hail damage caused as a result of these hail storms. One of the most significant hail damage claims result from damage to roofs. Most often roof hail damage is identified from strike marks on shingles and loose granules in your gutters.

One of the side effects of enduring a hail storm is fighting against insurance bad faith. In many instances, your home insurance company will claim only part of the damage was a result of the hail event versus normal wear and tear, manufacturing defects, and other effects, such as old hail storms outside of the statute of limitations. Many insurance companies will refuse outright to pay for any hail storm damage. After a hailstorm, home insurance companies will often times attempt to deny, dispute, or delay valid hail claims for property damage to your home.

In denying, disputing or delaying valid hail claim, home insurance companies will point to any number of excuses for failing to act in good faith towards your hail claim:

* Arguing that pre-existing roof damage existed

* Claiming that poor construction or maintenance of your home contributed to the loss

* Blaming the hail damage on manufacturing defects

* Undervaluing the loss or hail damage to your residence

* Insisting that the hail damage requires minor repairs and not full roof replacement

* Refusing to pay for some or all of the expenses related to home repairs

* Arguing that less than 25% of the roof is damaged and denying a full roof replacement

If you have experienced any of these common issues with your home insurance company you need Texas Hail Damage Claim Attorneys who can help you stand up to your home insurance company and get you the money you deserve on your hail damage claim.

Call our experienced Texas Hail Storm Damage Attorneys today at 1-888-724-HAIL (4245).  San Antonio Hail Claim Attorneys have litigated each of these issues many, many times against some of the world’s largest insurance companies.

Texas Hail Storm Damage Attorneys

Filing a hail claim for hail storm damage with a homeowner’s insurance company can be very complicated and overwhelming. Some types of hail damage may be covered, while other types may not. Some homes that are located in areas with a high risk for certain types of storms may also require that additional coverage be purchased. If you have a hail claim and have run into difficulty with your home insurance company, call our Texas Hail Storm Damage Attorneys today at 1-888-724-HAIL (4245).


Hail Damage Coverage

When purchasing homeowner’s insurance, it is important that all aspects of the insurance policy are clearly understood, so that claims for hail damage are not denied.

Types of Hail Storm Damage

Hail storm damage may differ depending on the type and severity of the hail storm, the style of your home, and other factors such as the type of shingles on your roof. San Antonio home owners may be advised to take certain precautions in order to limit the amount of damage that hail storms can cause, such as placing a tarp over damaged holes in your roof and windows to prevent more interior water damage.

Common Types of damage that homeowners may encounter following hail storms include:

* Tree damage

* Damage to home and structures from falling trees

* Damage to the granules on asphalt roof shingles

* Destruction of property from strong winds that accompany hail storms

* Damage to siding and windows from hail stones

* Cracked or dented roof shingles from hail stones

* Damage to foundations, sidewalks, and driveways from large hail stones

* Destruction of property from flying debris during hail storms

* Flooding from rain accompanied by hail storms

Hail Damage Claims

Following a hail storm that has caused property damage, home owners should contact their insurance company and file a hail claim as soon as possible. There is a small window in which homeowners have to file a hail claim before the statute of limitations applies. Home owners may be asked to provide a listing of hail damaged property along with an estimated valuation. The insurance company will more than likely send out an insurance adjuster to assess and document

the hail damage to your home. The insurance adjuster’s estimates are very often much lower than the actual cost of repairs, so it may be helpful for the home owner to seek the opinion of an unbiased party or to call our Texas Hail Storm Damage Attorneys today at 1-888…. For a free inspection.

Denied Hail Damage Claims

If a hail damage claim is denied, the insurance company is required to supply you with the reason for their hail claim denial. While a denial on the basis of restrictions that are outlined in your home insurance policy is often times acceptable, homeowner’s insurance companies may also deny hail claims on the basis that home owners did not take the necessary precautions to prevent hail damage, such as cover windows that broke from hail to prevent subsequent interior water damage. Also, homeowner’s insurance companies may also deny hail claims due to homeowner error during the hail claim filing process.

Handling Denied Hail Claims

If your hail damage claim was denied by your homeowner’s insurance company and the reason does not satisfy you, call our experienced Texas Hail Storm Damage Attorneys today at 1-888-724-HAIL (4245).  San Antonio Hail Claim Attorneys have litigated each of these issues many, many times against some of the world’s largest insurance companies.  While you the homeowner are entitled to file an appeal following a denied hail claim, home insurance companies often times will not overturn a decision unless they are pressured to do so by the presence of a knowledgeable hail attorney. If your hail claim is denied due to a provision that is not clearly expressed in your home insurance policy, the insurance company is obligated to honor your hail claim. If your home insurance company failed to warn you the home owner that common storm risks, such as hail damage to your roof is not covered under your standard homeowner’s insurance policy, the insurance company may be required to cover the hail damages. If it is determined that your home insurance company was intentionally misleading you, your home insurance company may also face legal penalties.

Texas Hail Damage Advice

Texas Hail Damage AdviceAfter storms hit, many people seek Texas Hail Damage Advice. We have handled many cases where the roof on a business or home has been damaged by wind or hail.
Storm damage to your roof is covered under your homeowners and business owners property insurance policy.

Texas Hail Damage Advice

Many times, the insurance company will do the right thing.  Sometimes they don’t.  Common strategies to deny claims that I have seen include:

  • Sending out an engineer who writes a report that says there is no or little damage.
  • Agreeing to pay for only a portion of the roof.  In some states, if 25% or more of the roof is damaged, then the insurance company must pay to replace the entire roof.
  • Saying that the roof has deteriorated because of age when, in fact, the roof never leaked until a severe wind or hail storm.  Most shingle roofs in Texas should last at least 20 years.
  • Saying that the problems are due to installation, design or construction errors.

San Antonio Hail Claim Attorneys have litigated each of these issues many, many times against some of the world’s largest insurance companies.

In most cases, if we win, the insurance company has to pay the attorney fees and costs, and if we lose, the attorney essentially works for free. If you need help with your hail claim, please contact us today.

Texas Homeowners’ Hail Claim

Although insurance companies should honor a Texas homeowners’ hail claim, sometimes insurance companies misinterpret policies and claims to minimize payouts.

Texas Homeowners' Hail ClaimThese denials can have devastating financial effects on claimants whose homes are in need of repair. These issues can be exacerbated in the aftermath of hurricanes and other catastrophic events. Our attorneys have experience working with clients who have been shortchanged by their insurance companies and have succeeded in recovering the compensation to which our clients were entitled.

If you have a Texas homeowners’ hail claim that has been denied or undervalued, we can help!

Texas Homeowners’ Hail Claim

Our attorneys can examine your policy to determine your coverage and any payment(s) the company is required to make. The attorneys may also conduct a thorough investigation into previous and current home inspections, audits and other documentation on your home.

Dealing with an insurance company can be difficult. These companies have made the process of filing and collecting on insurance claims a daunting task, with the hopes that most policyholders will abandon their claims. We want to simplify the process of disputing insurance claims to help ensure homeowners get the help they deserve.

Does My Policy Cover the Damage?

Determining whether the damage incurred is covered by the homeowner’s insurance contract is one of the most common issues presented by a Texas Homeowners’ Hail Claim. Typically, homeowner’s insurance covers property damage (including residential premises, unattached structures, and personal property) as a result of unexpected events such as fire, wind, hail, vandalism, and theft; however, coverage will be determined by the policyholder’s specific insurance policy coverages.

Why Was My Claim Denied?


If your claim has been denied, the first thing to know is that insurance companies are for-profit businesses; it is in their best interest to avoid paying claims. If a home has been damaged, the insurance company may offer a low-ball settlement or deny the claim altogether to avoid depleting their cash reserves. To avoid paying claims, the insurance company may try to categorize the damage as exceeding the scope of the policy. They may blame the damage on factors other than those covered in the policy, or offer a low-ball settlement should they determine it is a valid, unavoidable claim.

For example, roof damage is often a point of contention between insurance companies and homeowners. The homeowner will file a claim stating that the roof was damaged by hail, wind, or natural disaster(s), while the insurance company will allege the damage is a result of wear and tear – which is not covered under the policy.

Damage to your home can be costly. If you believe your insurance provider has wrongfully denied your claim or offered a less-than-acceptable payout, please contact us today.