Do I Have Hail Damage?

Do I Have Hail Damage?

Hail damage accounts for a lot of the damage to roofs for hail storms in the Texas area. And it can lead to an expensive insurance claim. Nationwide, hail causes more than $1.6 billion in damage per year – just in roof damage – according to the Federal Alliance of Safe Homes. When a storm hits the San Antonio area, it may be difficult to see if the shingles on your roof have been damaged. However, there are some ways to determine if any damage has occurred.

Before we begin looking at how to determine and establish hail damage to the point of contacting a hail damage roof repair company like Apex Roofing, consider the following:

Myth: I looked at my roof and didn’t see any problems.

Fact: Roofing systems must be physically inspected by some one who has training and experience to determine if there is actual hail damage. A roofer is usually more knowledgable about this than the average homeowner or insurance adjuster.

Myth: I’m not missing any shingles so I must not have damage.

Fact: Missing shingles are related to wind damage claims and can happen during a hail storm if the winds are high enough. However, hail damage is insidious in nature and may not physically cause leakage for years after a hail storm.

Myth: I only have 1 year to file my insurance claim.

Fact: Many insurance companies do have a one year time limit and some even less, however due to the nature of hail damage they may pay claims past the deadline. This usually happens if a hail storm is widespread geographically.

Myth: My roof is new so it’s covered by the manufacturer’s warranty, home builder, or contractor.

Fact: Manufacturers often specifically name hail as an exclusion to their product warranty. Newer roofs can actually be more susceptible to hail damage versus older roofs due to the time it takes a new roof to cure from exposure to the elements.

Myth: I was told my roof has minimal or very little damage and therefore I don’t need to file a claim.

Fact: If your roof has any damage whatsoever, you have a valid insurance claim and should file with your insurance company. Damage might not cause your roof to leak for years. This is why it’s important to have a qualified person inspect your roof.

Myth: My insurance company will cancel my policy if I file a claim.

Fact: Most states prohibit insurance companies from cancelling policies for filing claims arising from severe weather related events.

Myth: If I don’t file my claim, my insurance company won’t raise my rates.

Fact: After a disaster, insurance companies may raise every one’s rates. By not filing your claim, your personal rate increase is paying for every one else’s damage except yours.

Do I have hail damage?

If your insurance company has denied your claim or paid less than your claim is worth, please contact us today.


San Antonio home insurance companies should honor valid hail insurance claims. However, often time insurance companies will minimize payouts or simply refuse to pay a home insurance hail claim.

Our hail claim attorneys understand that hail claim low ball offers and denials can have horrible financial effects on San Antonians whose homes are in need of repair . These denials can be heightened in the aftermath of hail storms because a large number of homeowners are making hail claims during the same time period. The high volume of claims lead the insurance companies to try and save a buck by taking advantage of their customers. If you have been shortchanged on your home insurance hail claim by your home insurance company, call our experienced attorneys at  1-888-724-HAIL (4245).

We can help you file a hail claim dispute. Our lawyers can examine your home insurance policy and thoroughly investigate home inspections and other documents which can assist in settling your hail claim dispute. We understand that insurance companies can be very difficult when presented with a home insurance hail claim and can make the process of filing and collecting on a hail damage claim a near impossible task. The insurance companies hope to make things so difficult on hail claimants that the hail claimant will just give up and abandon their hail claim all together.

Our experienced hail attorneys will examine your policy and the specific insurance policy language and determine if your home insurance policy covers the hail damage to your home. Determining whether the claimed hail damage is covered by your homeowner’s insurance contract is the most common issue in insurance claim disputes. Usually, your homeowner’s insurance policy will cover hail damage to your residence, unattached structures and your personal property. In Texas, there are several standard residential insurance policies with each one covering different types of damages.

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Hail damage to your home can be costly, especially if your home insurance company claims your policy does not cover the hail damage. If you believe your insurance company has wrongfully denied your claim or offered an unacceptable payout, please fill out the case review form on our website or call contact us today 1-888-724-HAIL (4245).

San Antonio Hail Claims Insurance Attorney

Do you need help in dealing with your home insurance company that has denied, delayed or undervalued your hail claim? If so, then please contact a San Antonio Hail Claims Insurance Attorney, either by calling our toll free number 888-724-4245 or by filling out our website contact form located on this website. Your initial consultation is free and you will not pay attorney fees unless we win on your behalf.

Among the most common types of hail damage are in the form of home siding damage, roof damage, skylight damage and vehicle damage. Homeowners may not immediately notice the damage the hail may cause and often times it is difficult to see the hail damage with the untrained eye. Hail stones dislodge the roof granules on shingles, thus reducing the useful life of your roofing shingles. After a hail storm, such as the storms that swept through San Antonio recently, homeowners may need a full roof replacement. Our San Antonio Hail Claims Insurance Attorney has handled cases with insurance companies who, in order to save a buck, just wanted to replace a few shingles or a portion of the roof or who just wanted to claim that the damage was caused by the age of the roof.

San Antonio Hail Claims Insurance Attorney

Many times, your home insurance company will hire a biased roofing expert to provide a report and an analysis determining whether the existing hail damage was caused by wind or hail of if there was some other reason the roof structure failed. Fortunately for San Antonio homeowners, a hail damaged roof will show classic signs of hail distress such as bent shingles, creased shingles, broken shingles, or broken material under the shingles. Often, the insurance company’s hired experts will write reports that are either very biased or just plain false. In our experience, most home insurance companies will either deny your hail claim outright or only offer a small settlement figure for hail damaged roof claims.

San Antonio Hail Claims Insurance Attorney has handled cases and represented clients whose insurance companies have denied their hail damage claims to their homes, all while their next door neighbor’s hail damage claim was covered. It is possible to bring in meteorologist who will testify about the specific hail storm, such as the hail stone size and duration of the hail storm over a particular home’s location.

If your insurance company is not paying you the full amount of your hail or roof damage claim or has denied your claim, please contact us today 1-888-724-HAIL (4245). We have experience dealing with insurance companies, and we would love to help you get the money you deserve.

Hail Damage Claims Attorney

Hail Damage Claims Attorney

Insurance Lawyers For The Policyholders in Texas

A Hail Damage Claims Attorney has a vast degree of experience when it comes to dealing with insurance companies and hail damage claims. If your home has been damaged by hail, we would be honored to put our expertise to work for you and make sure you receive the largest possible settlement for your hail damage claim.

Your insurance company has a number of tricks up their sleeves to try to avoid paying for the damage their policy should cover. It starts with interpretation of the contract in a way that benefits them, not you.

Hail Damage Claims AttorneyThey will dispute the cause of the damage and as a last resort, the extent of the damage. If the damage to siding, for example, is largely cosmetic, they will deny payment. But if your business property has suffered cosmetic damage, this may affect your business. Our attorneys make them pay.

Talk to a lawyer who knows how the insurance companies work. We worked for big companies for years, but we get more satisfaction from serving people like you, who need help now.

Contact us to discuss roof damage, commercial building damage, hail damage claim or other claim disputes to your home or business.

Roof Hail Damage Adjusters

Home insurance companies typically have instructions and guidelines for their Roof Hail Damage adjusters. The guidelines detail just how to adjust various types of roof losses. It is very helpful for the policyholder to be aware of some of the guidelines before tackling his or her hail damage claim with the home insurance company. The sample State Farm operation guide below is for adjusters. It is intended to provide direction on handling roof claims that involve damage from wind and hail.

“Damage occurs to roof coverings when water shedding ability or the life expectancy of the material is reduced. . . . ….

Granular Loss: Granular loss occurs naturally and is inherent to composition roofing products as a result of weathering. The general rule is we will not pay for granular loss, since it does not affect the watertight integrity of the roof. Granules serve two main functions on asphalt roofing, block ultraviolet light from the asphalt and provide color to the roof. . . . Hail can cause actual damage to composition roofing in conjunction with heavy granular loss. Where there is excessive granular loss accompanying actual roof damage caused by hail, and it affects the integrity and utility of the roof, consider payment for granular loss. . . .

Wind: Wind damage to asphalt shingles occurs when a portion of the shingle is blown off the roof, or the shingle is bent backwards and a fracture forms through the matting material. If the wind caused the seals to break, it may require hand sealing.

Unsealed Shingles: . . . It is important to note any unsealed shingles that may be observed during the inspection. The claim handler should consider whether the breakage of the bond was caused by accidental direct physical loss, which may include, looking for evidence of tearing on the shingle below or by observing residue underneath the shingle from the sealant. “

Roof Hail Damage Adjusters

 State Farm’s admission that “damage” includes a reduction in the life expectancy of the material is very important to remember. In other words, minor roof damage caused by wind or hail often reduces the life expectancy of roofing materials, specifically your asphalt shingles. Those working with adjusters regarding the recent San Antonio hail claims must remember this principal when asking the insurance adjuster whether the winds and hail from the spring hail storms caused “damage” to the home and its roofing materials.

If your insurance company is not paying you the full amount of your hail or roof damage claim or has denied your claim, please contact us today 1-888-724-HAIL (4245). We have experience dealing with insurance companies, and we would love to help you get the money you deserve.